Facebook marketting adds 

Facebook marketting adds

Facebook marktting adds and library has made several changes to make its ad program more transparent. As a result, campaigns by political organizations become fully transparent, including expenditure. Also, there is much more visible about the campaigns of all other advertisers. This bonus allows online marketers to learn valuable information about competitors' Facebook marktting and advertising strategy. The new information can be made visible in various ways:

From Facebook marktting adds library Via Facebook marktting advertiser information on Facebook marktting pages Through the Facebook marktting ads on your Facebook marktting timeline. The fact that more insight is made around political party campaigns is a good thing. You can see expenditure, focus, and changes of views directly. There are also stricter rules. For example, political parties should have their identities verified. Also, ads must include a disclaimer with the name of the person or organization responsible for the ad. Whether these measures will prevent the spread of fake news, for example, is the question, but it is a step in the right direction.

Advertising information from the Ad Library The Special Ad Library lets you search by name, subject, and organization. You get an overview of Facebook marktting pages as a search result. You can then view detailed information per page and see which ads are running on Facebook marktting through that page. You don't need to have an account to see the Ad Library. Ad Library: Information about pages and active ads. Ad Library: Information about pages and active ads.

Ad Library: Information about the page and the admins. Ad Library: Information about the page and the admins. Ad library: Name changes to a page are also insightful. Ad library: Name changes to a page are also insightful. You can see from each page: History When the page is created. How many times the name of the page has been changed and the changes themselves. Or the page is merged with other pages. Administrators

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From which country/countries the administrators of the page come. Ads Active Ads by Country Overview. Start date of each active ad. The active ad(s) themselves. Political organizations If it's a political organization, you can see all the ads: both active and inactive ads. In March 2019, Facebook marktting started saving political ads. They indicate that they will keep these for up to 7 years. On the opening page of the Ad Library we find this explanation:

The Library contains data on any active and inactive ad related to politics or topics of interest within the European Union, which has been displayed since March 2019. We keep all these ads in the Library for seven years. What Exactly Facebook marktting means by "politics" or "topics of interest" to the European Union can be found in the Ad Help Center:

Immigration Political values Civil and social rights Security and foreign policy Economy Environmental policy Facebook marktting explains: "We expect this list to be updated over time." The list will certainly provoke discussion, but at least it is broad.

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Spending on political organizations To increase transparency, Facebook marktting also shows political ads what costs were incurred and how many times the ad was shown. In terms of targeting, you get information about the set location, the age range, and gender. You'll also see the complete spend of all page-related ads. This information is very interesting and provides a lot of information about the online campaign strategy of the relevant political organization. An Adds of Facebook marktting Library application programming interface (API) is also available for the ad library. This can be consulted by researchers, academics, media researchers, and supervisors.